Frequently Asked Questions



What is chiropractic?

We use a combination of therapies, from spinal manipulation (which is sometimes described as ‘back clicking’), to forms of massage and exercise prescription. Each treatment programme considers the needs of the individual, so if you have a preference, we can tailor our techniques to suit you.

Is chiropractic for me?

Chiropractic has been shown to be safe and effective for many different sub-populations of people including children, the elderly, pregnant women, post-surgical patients and many more. If you’re still not sure and have a health issue you would like to discuss, contact us.

What is Sports Massage?

Sports Massage is not just for those who take part in sport or exercise. It is usually regarded as a firmer type of massage and is especially effective in lowering pain levels, reducing sensations of tightness or stiffness and helping to restore full function to joints and muscles. Sports Massage also helps to reduce stress, aid relaxation and improve sleep quality.

Do I need to be in pain to come for a massage?

No you do not. The brilliant thing about massage is that it has huge benefits for helping you relax, relieve stress and in helping recover from your sport or training. It is also great for those who simply enjoy a massage as well.

What can Soft Tissue Therapy treat?

Soft Tissue Therapy focuses on the soft tissues in your body - your muscles, ligaments and tendons. It can be used to treat injuries, back pain, neck pain and many other conditions. It primarily uses massage for treatment as well as other advanced techniques to help reduce pain, restore function and help you move and feel better.

Does it hurt?

When delivered by a skilled practitioner, chiropractic adjustments are rarely painful. Massage and some physiotherapy techniques can sometimes be sore around sensitive areas but should not be excruciating. Your clinician will regularly check in with you to ensure your comfort. With any treatment you may be sore the following day, a bit like how you might feel after a workout.

How long are the appointments?

ew Patient Examinations for Chiropractic and Initial Consults for Physiotherapy can take up to an hour, depending on your case. We allow 30 minutes for follow-up treatments. Soft Tissue Therapy and Sports Massage appointments last 45 minutes.

Do I need a referral from my GP?

o, you don’t need to get referred by your GP for chiropractic or physiotherapy treatment at Pyramid Health. Do bear in mind that some insurance companies will want you to see your GP before attending if you are intending to claim for your appointments. If you have notes or imaging from previous appointments with other professionals these can be helpful to bring along.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy helps to alleviate pain and restore movement and function when you are suffering from an injury or other long-term condition. Your physio will use a variety of movement screens and tests, massage techniques, stretches and exercise prescription to get you back to full function and help prevent any problems in the future.

Is physiotherapy just for sports people?

Not at all. Physiotherapy is a safe, effective treatment for people of all ages and all levels of activity. Physiotherapy is not just used to treat injuries to your muscles, but also to help manage long-term conditions such as COPD and multiple sclerosis (MS).

What types of massage do you offer?

Our massage therapist is trained to offer a variety of massages depending on your preferences and needs. This can include, but is not limited to: deep tissue massage, sports massage, therapeutic massage, soft tissue release, trigger point massage, full body massage, rotator cuff massage, massage for back pain and more. Your massage therapist will be happy to discuss the type of treatment you’d prefer with you.

How can I book an appointment?

The easiest way is through our Cliniko booking portal, where you can pick your slot and pay online. Alternatively, contact us by phone or email and we’ll find you a slot.

Can you treat me on the first visit?

As a rule we will treat on the first visit where possible. Sometimes we will want to refer you for further investigation or imaging before we begin treatment, in which case we will be unable to do so. Your clinician will discuss this with you in full at the time of your exam.

How long will it take me to get better?

Everybody recovers at different rates. When discussing your treatment, your chiropractor, physio or massage therapist will be able to give you some realistic timelines for improving. Many things can influence this, from your age or current health status, to the amount of time you’ve had the problem or your lifestyle factors.

How much will it cost?

Most patients see some relief within the first two weeks. Recovery rates can vary but the majority are pain-free in anything from 6-12 treatments over the course of 2-3 months. Appointment pricing can be found on our booking page.

Will I have to keep coming?

That’s up to you. Your chiropractor, physiotherapist or massage therapist will discuss what it takes to keep you well, including self-care. We have lots of patients who, once they’re pain free, choose to come back for regular or occasional check-ups. Maintenance care can help prevent future episodes and feels great; whether it’s a bit of loosening on a desk-bound body or an athletic tune-up. How you manage your health is up to you.

Got more questions? Contact us.

Telehealth FAQ


What do I need?

We use secure Cliniko technology - either through a computer with a webcam or a smartphone, and recommended exercises will be sent via email.

We will email you an invite to join a video chat at the time of your appointment. Once you click the link you will be connected straight to your consultation!

Remote consultations and consent

You will be taken through a series of consent questions upon beginning the call. Remember that you can choose to stop the consultation at any time and for any reason and all communications will comply with our Privacy Policy.

How is it different from a normal chiropractor appointment?

If you are used to face-to-face, hands-on care then this will be quite a different experience. Things like social cues and hand gestures do not communicate well over video! However our practitioners are trained to deal with such things and will do everything possible to put you at ease during your consultation. 

Physical examinations will be somewhat different also - we wil need to instruct or demonstrate certain procedures or tests and some orthopaedic tests may need an assistant. If one is not available, we will simply have to do without.

We may also face technical challenges - should we have a poor connection your therapist may ask you to restart or even reschedule the call if we experience ongoing difficulties, or switch to a different medium. In any case we will do everything we can to give you the maximum help possible.

However the rest of the process is broadly similar. We will take a thorough history of your condition, perform an appropriate physical examination and give you clear guidance on what the nature of your condition is, the prognosis and the best way forward for you.

Are consultations recorded?

Your practitioner must inform you if they are recording the consultation. If you would like to record the consultation you are welcome to, but please advise your therapist if you plan to do this.

Will I need a home gym or equipment for the exercises?

No equipment is needed, however if you have some we can certainly make use of it! We will normally ask during the onboarding process what equipment you have available in order to make your rehab programme work for you.

Top tips for a successful video consultation

  • Plan to take the call in a quiet and private room. Wearing headphones is an option.

  • It may be helpful to have an assistant to help with the assessment but this is not always necessary and they do not need to be present for all of the call.

  • Ensure a good connection by switching off other internet-connected deviced and applications. Being near your WiFi router may help.

  • Please make sure you are in a room where you will not be disturbed, with good lighting so that you can be seen more easily. Try to have the light behind the camera and not facing the camera, natural light from a window is best.

  • Your practitioner may ask you to perform certain movements to aid in diagnosing or advising you. Please find a place where you can prop up your phone to allow you the freedom to move in clear view of the camera.

  • Please dress in suitable comfortable clothing, and be prepared to possibly undress further if needed, gym clothing is ideal.

  • Your practitioner will call you at the start of the scheduled time, and the call must end promptly on time as well to enable us to call our next appointment promptly.

  • Should we encounter any tech issues, we can always switch to an alternative platform such as WhatsApp or Zoom, or as a last resort the call can be done without video over the phone - but it is best if we can see you. If video calling is not an option please inform us well in advance of the scheduled appointment time so we can plan appropriately.

  • If you cannot make the scheduled call for any reason, please get in touch so that we can try to reschedule.

If you have a question that is not answered here, contact us.