Blooming Back Pain: Tackling Gardener's Back
A Guide to Enjoying Your Garden Without the Aches and Pains
As the winter frost gives way to the warmth of spring, many of us eagerly return to our gardens, ready to nurture the blooms that lie dormant during the colder months. However, this newfound enthusiasm for gardening can sometimes lead to an all-too-familiar ailment – what we affectionately call "gardener's back." If you've ever felt the strain after a day in the garden, read on to discover how chiropractic care can help you enjoy your green haven without the accompanying aches and pains.
Back pain from gardening is a common reason for visiting our clinic
Understanding Gardener's Back
1. The Culprit:
Gardener's back is often the result of prolonged periods of inactivity during the winter months. Suddenly engaging in activities like bending, lifting, and twisting while gardening can overload your back muscles and spine, leading to discomfort and pain. We sometimes say that by rushing back into activity, you break the “Rule of Too”:
“Doing Too Much Too Soon, after doing Too Little for Too Long!”
2. Common Symptoms:
Gardener’s Back will usually come on quite quickly, either immediately or early the following day. Symptoms may include lower back pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. There might be an aversion to any type of movement but usually we see people who get a lot of pain when they bend forward, or rise to their feet from a bed or chair. These things often resolve on their own, but a well-designed treatment and rehab plan will have you back digging and sowing in no time.
How We Can Help
3. Preventative Measures:
Your best bet is to stay “Garden Fit” in the offseason by staying active through the winter. “Use it or lose it” as the old adage goes, and this is true for gardening strength as much as anything else! While it might be too late to prevent a loss of fitness this season, we can help you out with treatment and exercises to get you garden-ready again!
4. If You’re Already Suffering:
At Pyramid Health, our therapists create personalized treatment plans for individuals suffering from Gardener's Back. These plans may include hands-on treatments, targeted exercises, and lifestyle recommendations to promote healing and prevent future issues.
Tips for a Pain-Free Gardening Experience
5. Warm-Up Routine:
Just as athletes warm up before a game, gardeners should also prepare their bodies. Incorporate gentle stretches before diving into gardening tasks to loosen muscles and enhance flexibility. Here’s a short routine that will get your blood pumping and your muscles nice and pliable!
6. Start Slowly, Build… Slowly!
If you’ve been out of action for a while, don’t jump straight back into six-hour days! Do smaller jobs first, take regular breaks and don’t be afraid to leave the rest til tomorrow - those beds will still be there! Building back slowly will allow you to do more sooner.
7. Make Hard Work Easier With The Right Tools
While you’re never too old to get fitter, we won’t argue that it gets harder every year. You could consider investing in tools designed to minimize strain on your back. Ergonomically designed handles and tools with extended reach can make a significant difference in reducing the risk of injury, or simply allowing you to get more done with less work.
Embrace a Back-Friendly Gardening Lifestyle
Need more advice before the Spring arrives? Schedule an appointment with us - we’ve got your back!.
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